Publication Guidelines

Publication Guidelines for Kentucky Libraries

  1. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word to the KLA editor through e-mail. Manuscripts should not exceed 3000 words and should include your name and title information at the top of the article and your e-mail address at the end.
  2. References should appear at the end of the manuscript using MLA style. Consult the MLA Handbook or for the accepted form.
  3. Visuals are highly desirable and should be submitted whenever possible to accompany a manuscript. Electronically submitted photos are preferred in JPEG or Tiff format and should be 300 dpi. Color graphics are preferable to black-and-white.
  4. Kentucky Libraries cannot consider any manuscript that is also being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for the accu­racy of all material submitted, includ­ing charts, references, quotations, etc. All manuscripts accepted for publica­tion will be edited to conform to KLA style and space limitations.
  5. Manuscripts for feature articles will be emailed for review by members of the Editorial Board. A definite publication date cannot be given since any incoming manuscripts will be added to the manuscript bank from which articles are selected for each issue. Publication can be reasonably expected within 12 months.
  6. No payment is made for articles published.
  7. Common reasons for rejection are inappropriate topic or style, repetition of a recently published or common­ly known topic, excessive work of one author, inaccurate information, and poor quality writing. Rejected manu­scripts will be returned.

Guidelines for Letters to the Editor for Kentucky Libraries

Kentucky Libraries welcomes letters from its readers. Letters to the Editor may be in response to a published article, an inquiry, a position on library issues, or a suggestion for the association or publication. When necessary, agree to disagree respectfully. Letters that challenge an opinion must be written without attacking the person who asserted it. 

Each letter must be signed by the author and include an e-mail address so that the letter’s authenticity may be verified. Letters without this information for verification will not be considered. Anonymous letters will not be considered. 

  • Letters should be limited to 250 words. 
  • Letters of campaigns or petitions will not be considered.

The editorial board reserves the right to:

  • edit letters for length, clarity, or language. If a letter needs significant revisions, it may be returned to the author.
  • reject letters which are defamatory or inconsistent with good editorial standards. Personal attacks will not be published.
  • reject letters based on frequency of submission by author or on topic.

Submit manuscripts and letters in Word to:

Jennifer Bartlett
Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History
University of Kentucky Libraries
405A Margaret I. King Library
Lexington, KY  40506-0039
Phone: 859-218-1236
Email:  [email protected]

Editorial Committee 

The editorial committee is composed of Kentucky Library Association members representing different types of libraries and is responsible for the selection of material to be included in Kentucky Libraries. The Committee encourages KLA members to submit timely, accurate, and well-written feature articles for publication.

Deadlines for submission of material:

Issue Number Due Published
Issue 1 December 15 February 15
Issue 2 March 15 May 15
Issue 3 June 15 August 15
Issue 4 September 15 November 15